Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Introduction Time :D

Hullo there! I've started a prettacy, and I wanted to do a blog (like every other person). Sooooo, first I have to post the rules. I *slightly* modified some modified rules found here. Sooooo here we go! (O yes, a pettacy is when you take an ugly sim and through 10 generations, try to make a pretty one. IF you didn't already know that. Ok, let's get started)

1.You can only control the Heir. This means you can't control spouses, children, or others in the household.
2.Every generation has to have TWO children minimum. If you want to have a billion trillion children, fine with me. Just be prepared to get your ears blown off.
3.You CAN send children to the mirror/dresser to change their hair/clothes. BUT, you can't go back to CAS because that would defeat the purpose.
4.You have to pick a heir before the children reach the young adult stage. After all children age up, all non-heirs have to move out within a day. HOWEVER, you can choose for the heir to move out on their own instead.
5.If the heir dies, then you can use spares (siblings).
6. One a stage (baby, toddler, etc.) you can have a non-heir sim do something at your command. (this excludes having them get jobs)
7.Heirs can marry whoever, but they have to be born in game, not created in CAS.
8.Spouses and teens can get NON-USER controlled jobs. (you can control them to get a job without using your move.)
9.(optional) You have to fulfill 50% of all wishes. You can choose not to do this, or go even more!)
10.You can buy a SMALL cruddy house, or (recommended) do "Humble Beginnings". ( One wall, a bed, a toilet, a fridge, and a shower.
12.You can buy lifetime rewards!
13.You can lock in wishes for non-heirs, but you can't fulfill them unless your move is used. (excluding job wishes.)
14.(optional) Points! I will do points! Here's a breakdown-

Failing School: -5
Game Induced Visits from Firefighters,Police,or Babysitter (excluding childbirth): -5
Passing Out (extreme sleep deprivation): -10
Passing Out (scared/coward trait): -5
Accidental Death: -10
Social Worker Visit: -15
Each Birth: +5
Twins: +10
Triplets: +15
LTW Completed: +40
Honor Roll: +5
No spares: +10
Every $100,000: +20
Non-Heir makes it to the top of their career: +10

So there! Oh yeah, I should talk a little about my Sims family! I already started, so here's a quick rundown. No pictures though because Sims is on another computer.

Joyce Jibberjabber: Heir of Generation 1. (going to start at one). Wife of Bruce Jibberjabber. Mother of Belle Jibberjabber. Traits: Coward, Necrotic, Couch Potato and some other traits I forgot. she has an UGLY tan and UGLY mowhak pink, purple and blue hair.

Bruce Jibberjabber: Husband of Joyce, Father of Belle. Traits (that i can remember): Good Sense of Humor, Flirty.

Both Bruce and Joyce are young adults.

Belle Jibberjabber: Daughter of Bruce and Joyce. Age: Baby  Traits: Brave, Heavy Sleeper. (haha randomized them. guess she wont be getting up to wrangle any burglars.)

Bruce and Belle were both born in game. I didn't use any cheats. So that's it for now! I leave you with this.

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